Birdstrap Leather was established in 2012 with a passion to create quality leather goods for the outdoor enthusiasts. Our goods are crafted in Texas, USA

Beginning around the age of 6, my father introduced me to a shotgun and wingshooting. Since that time, I annually look forward to August and preparing for the upcoming season. Around 12, a local veterinarian exposed me to rodeoing as a youth. I started with riding steers and progressed to bulls and broncs well into my collegiate years. During this time in my life, we traveled to towns throughout the United States, and we always seemed to find the local saddle shop. With a nak for working with my hands, I had the interest, even then, in working with leather.
During a house move in 2010, I had to put my tools and welding machines(hobby at the time) into storage while I waited on the next move. After a short stint of boredom, I began to look into working with leather. After many hours working with leather on that house’s back porch, I began to excel at the craft. When August came that year I made about a dozen or so Birdstraps for family, friends and myself. For the next couple of years I perfected patterns, improved techniques and found the highest quality domestic leathers.

In 2012, a friend recommended that I build a website and sell my Birdstraps online. My response was “That costs too much!” Luckily, my brother happened to be in the computer industry and volunteered his time to help start the website The website began with just three products. Over the next few years, I shipped Birdstraps across North America.
The leather business was always meant to be a hobby, that is, until early 2015. During that time, I was working in the oil and gas industry, and crude prices were diminishing . As they continued to fall, companies throughout the industry began laying off employees, and I was included. Now with a little extra time on my hands I began to look for my next opportunity. After lots of thought, I decided there might never be a better opportunity than to work with Birdstrap Leather full time.
Since that day, the shop has grown, product lines have expanded and I have been able to meet some incredible people.

Still to this day, I focus on the details of every product each designed to reflect our sporting heritage and celebrate the outdoors.
Thanks for your support.